- [Award] Wei received the 2025 CPS Rising Stars Award. Congratulations to Wei! (2025/02)
- [Award] Our work MindVoice received the Runner-up of the Advanced Project Award in the 2025 IEEE Rising Stars Conference. Congratulations to both Anarghya and Alexander! (2025/01)
- [Award] Wei received the 2024 CSE PhD Research Award. Xiaoyu received the 2024 CSE PhD Teaching Award. Congratulations to both Wei and Xiaoyu. (2024/12)
- [Service] Our group, along with students from UB and UGA, is excited to launch the first-ever Ethical Manufacturing & AI Competition! This initiative is a great opportunity to engage in a socially impactful research community and contribute to advancing ethical practices in manufacturing and AI. We welcome your participation and look forward to collaborating with passionate minds. Read more (2024/11)
- [Media] We will launch a new summer STEM program for refugee and underprivileged teens in WNY. Read More (2024/10)
- [Award] Our team received the first place award in the NIA-sponsored PREPARE competition - an international research competition on early prediction of Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias. Congratulations to Wei and the team! [link] (2024/09)
- [Event]
Wenyao is selected as a Fellow for the 2024-2025 MAC Academic Leadership Development Program. (2024/09)
- [Award] Huining received the prestigious Harold O. Wolf Achievement Award. Congratulations to Huining! (2024/08)
- [Award] Anarghya received the IEEE/ACM NSF CHASE Student Travel Award. Congratulations to Anarghya! (2024/06)
- [Event] Huining defended her PhD thesis and will join North Carolina State University at a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science. Matthew will join the Department of Computer Science at Cornell University to continue the graduate study. Congratulations to both of them! (2024/05)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the TPC co-chair of the 2024 IEEE/EMBS international conference on Body Sensor Networks: NextGen Health: Sensor Innovation, AI, and Social Responsibility (BSN) in Chicago. Please submit your work to the BSN research community! [link] (2024/02)
- [Media] Our work on AI-driven fingerprint security is reported by many media outline. Read More (2024/01)
- [Award] The mmWave-based Woundcare project receives the Finalist Award for Excellence in the Junkosha Technology Innovator of the Year Award. (2024/01)
- [Award] The WoundSight project receives the Best Audience Award in the UB Innovation Hub Bulls Launch. Congratulations to Alexander! (2023/11)
- [Award] Huining receives the ACM N2Women Travel Grant to attend ACM MobiCom 2023. Congratulations to Huining! (2023/09)
- [Award] Huining is selected for the 2023 Rising Stars in EECS. Congratulations to Huining! (2023/08)
- [Award] Chenhan received the UB SEAS Dean's Graduate Achievement Award. Congratulations to Chenhan! (2023/07)
- [Event] Chenhan defended his PhD thesis and will join North Carolina State University at a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science. Andrew will join the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University to continue the graduate study. Congratulations to both of them! (2023/05)
- [Award] Tianyu received the NSF Student Travel Award and Soumyadeep received the IEEE TCI (Technical Committee on the Internet) Travel Award from the 2023 IEEE/ACM CHASE conference. (2023/05)
- [Award] Wenyao received the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities (1 per 5000). News Link (2023/05)
- [Award] Our work - Wavoice in SenSys'21 - was selected in ACM SIGmobile Research Highlights. Watch Teaser link (2023/04)
- [Award] Anarghya won the UB Excellence in Teaching Award for Graduate Teaching Assistants. (2023/04)
- [Award] Anarghya, Huining and Alex won the IEEE EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service) award. The project will enhance voice user interface for older adults with cognitive disabilities. (2023/03)
- [Media] The NSF-funded UB AI Institute for Exceptional Education is launched. Read More (2023/02)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the TPC co-chair of the 2023 IEEE/EMBS international conference on Body Sensor Networks: Sensor and Systems for Digital Health (BSN) in Boston. Please submit your work and celebrate the 20 years of the BSN research community! [link] (2023/01)
- [Event] University at Buffalo is ranked #3 in the USA in the area of Mobile Computing from 2018 to 2022, according to CSrankings. [link]
- [Award] Our research project A Digital Twin Prototype for Cyber-Manufacturing wins the first place (with a $6000 cash award) in Russell Agrusa UB CSE Student Innovation Competition. Congratulations to Matthew, Michelle and the whole team. (2022/12)
- [Award] Our research work VocalHR is selected as one of the 2022 ACM SenSys Best Paper Award Candidates (7 out of 209). congratulations to our team. (2022/11)
- [Award] Our interdisciplinary research on smartphone-based ulcer care won the 2022 ACM SenSys Best Poster Award Runner-up. Congratulations to our team. (2022/11)
- [Award] Huining received the IEEE TCI (Technical Committee on the Internet) Travel Award from IEEE/ACM CHASE conference . (2022/09)
- [Media] Chenhan and Huining's award-winning work is recognized on the UB Engineering news. Read More (2022/07)
- [Award]
Huining receive
the 2022 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in
Computing scholarship. (2022/06)
- [Award] Our team won the Best Student Paper Award (2 out of 109) in IEEE International Conference on Health Informatics (ICHI’22). Congratulations to Chenhan and other student authors! (2022/06)
- [Award] Soumyadeep received the 2022 K-12 Terra Fairs - US Air Force Award. (2022/04)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the TPC co-chair of the 2022 IEEE/ACM international conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE) in DC. Please submit your work! [link] (2022/01)
- [Event] University at Buffalo is ranked #3 in the USA in the area of Mobile Computing from 2018 to 2021, according to CSrankings. [link]
- [Award] Our student team, led by Huining and Wenhan (advised by Dr. Jun Xia) won the 2021 UB Blackstone LaunchPad ideas competition. (2021/11)
- [Award] Our research work on multi-model voice recognition is selected as Best Paper Award Candidate from the 2021 ACM SenSys Conference. Congratulations to our team. (2021/11)
- [Award] Our team won the Best Paper Award in the 2021 EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNet'21). This work is led by a K-12 research intern Mr. Soumyadeep Bhattacharjee from Williamsville East High School. Congratulations to Soumyadeep and Huining! (2021/10)
- [Award] Our team won the Best Design Award Runner-up in the 2021 IEEE Healthcare Summit (IHS) COVID-19 Data Hackathon (Sensor Informatics Track). (2021/10)
- [Event] The first SEAS/HWI Summer Symposium is virtually held. Participants come from students in REU Biometrics, BioXFEL and LSAMP, and teachers in the local K-12 educational institutes. (2021/08)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as Associate Chair of the UB CSE department. (2021/07)
- [Event] Aditya defends his PhD thesis, and will join Micron Technology Inc. Congratulations to Dr. Aditya Rathore! (2021/07)
- [Award] Baicheng received the UB SEAS Dean's Undergraduate Achievement Award. Congratulations to Baicheng! (2021/06)
- [Award] Wenyao received the UB Exceptional Scholar: Sustained Achievement Award. (2021/06)
- [Award] Baicheng and Zhengxiong received the 2021 Silent Hoist and Crane Co. Materials Handling Prize Award. Congratulations to both of them! (2021/05)
- [Event] Zhengxiong will join the University of Colorado Denver at a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Baicheng will join the PhD program of University of California San Diego. Congratulations to both of them! (2021/05)
- [Award] Baicheng received the 2021 CSE Undergraduate Research Award. (2021/05)
- [Award] Ann Konnayil received the 2021 CSE Teaching Award. (2021/05)
- [Award] Anarghya received the 2021 CSE Leadership/Service Award. (2021/05)
- [Award] Soumyadeep received the 2021 K-12 Academic Award for Scientific or Engineering Excellence, Navy and Marine Corps Office of Naval Research. (2021/04)
- [Award] Soumyadeep received the 2021 K-12 Terra Fairs Highest Honors. (2021/04)
- [Service] Wenyao serves on the TPC member of 2021 IEEE Conference on Computer Communication (INFOCOM). (2021/03)
- [Media] Baicheng is recognized for his research innovation in mobile computing. Read More (2021/02)
- [Award]
Wenyao receives the 2020 SEAS Senior Faculty Research
Award. (2021/01)
- [Event] University at Buffalo is ranked #3 in the USA in the area of Mobile Computing from 2017 to 2020, according to CSrankings. [link]
- [Award] Baicheng is selected as a finalist for the Computing Research Association's (CRA) Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award. (2020/12)
- [Award] Aditya receives the 2020 CSE Best Graduate Research Award. (2020/12)
- [Media] Our work on 3D Finger Vein Biometrics highlighted in multiple media outlets, such as New Atlas, Science Daily, Science Time. Read More (2020/10)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE Internet-of-Things Journal (2019 IF = 11.7). (2020/10)
- [Award] Microexpressions in Social Interactions received the Top Paper Award from National Communication Association. (2020/10)
- [Award] Soumyadeep received the Top 300 Broadcom MASTERS. (2020/09)
- [Media] Our work on SonicPrint is in the news. Read More (2020/7)
- [Media] Our work on RehabPhone is in the news. Read More (2020/6)
- [Award] SonicPrint received the Best Paper Award (1 out of 175) from the 2020 ACM MobiSys. (2020/06)
- [Award] QuRate received the Best Paper Award (1 out of 55) and the 3rd place DASH-IF Excellence in DASH Awards from the 2020 ACM MMSys. (2020/06)
- [Award] Zhengxiong received the student travel award for IEEE Oakland Conference. (2020/05)
- [Service] Wenyao serves on the TPC member of 2020 IEEE Conference on Computer Communication (INFOCOM) (2020/3).
- [Media] Our work on distance identification is featured in The Economist. Read More (2020/1)
- [Media]
Our work on FerroTag: a paper-based iBeacon is
in the news.
Read More (2020/1)
- [Event] University at Buffalo is ranked #1 in the USA in the area of Mobile Computing from 2017 to 2019, according to CSrankings. [link]
- [Award] Wenyao received the 2020 President Emeritus and Mrs. Meyerson Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching and Mentoring. Read More (2019/12)
- [Award] Wenyao received the 2019 CSE Senior Faculty Research Award. (2019/12)
- [Award] Our work on inkjet 3D printing receives the 2019 IISE Transactions Best Paper Honorable Mention. (2019/12)
- [Award] Hanbin receives the 2019 CSE Best Graduate Research Award. (2019/12)
- [Award] Chenhan receives the 2019 CSE 1st-year Achiever Award. (2019/12)
- [Award] Our research work on mmwave-scannable paper tagging receives the Best Paper Award (1 out of 144) from the 2019 ACM SenSys Conference. Congratulations to the whole team! Our team also provide a video demo to illustrate this innovation. [link] (2019/11)
- [Service] Wenyao serves on the TPC member of 2020 ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys) (2019/11).
- [Award] Baicheng receives the NSF undergraduate travel award to attend the SaTC PI meeting. (2019/10)
- [Award] Wenyao receives the 2019 IEEE Region 1 Technical Innovation (Academic) Award with the citation "For outstanding contributions to research and education in the area of IoT and smart health". (2019/9)
- [Award] Zhengxiong receives the travel award from ACM SIGMOBILE (SenSys). (2019/9)
- [Media] Our team contributes to the podcast of Flash Forward on the theme of a possible future scenario: "CRIME: I can see my house from here". Read More (2019/8)
- [Award] Hanhin receives the travel award from ACM SIGMOBILE (MobiCom). (2019/7)
- [Award] Zhengxiong receives the UB SEAS Dean's Graduate Achievement Award. Congratulations to Zhengxiong! (2019/6)
- [Media] Our work on Distance Heart Biometrics was highlighted by MIT Technology Review. Read More (2019/6)
- [Event] Chen joins the Computer Science Department of San Diego State University at a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Jerry joins the Computer Science Department of SUNY Brockport as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Congratulations to both of them! (2019/6)
- [Award]
Chenhan receives the travel award from ACM SIGMOBILE
(MobiSys). (2019/5)
- [Award] Zhengxiong receives receives the travel award from ACM SIGSAC (WiSec). (2019/5)
- [Service]
Wenyao serves on the TPC member of 2020 IEEE Conference on Computer Communication
(INFOCOM). (2019/3)
- [Award]
Wenyao receives the Distinguished TPC Award of IEEE
INFOCOM 2019. (2019/1)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems. (2019/1)
- [Event] University at Buffalo is ranked #1 in the USA in the area of Mobile Computing in USA from 2017 to 2018, according to CSrankings. [link]
[Award] Hoan receives the honorable mention for the Computing Research Association's (CRA) Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award. (2018/12)
- [Award] Zhengxiong receives the 2018 CSE Best Graduate Research Award. (2018/12)
- [Award] Chris Baker, who was an undergraduate intern of the iSeed program, receives the Best Poster Award in the 2018 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). (2018/11)
- [Award] mRehab wins the finalist award of Aging Innovation Challenge Competition (5 out of 74 teams) sponsored by the New York State Department of Health. Congratulations to Chen and the mRehab team. Read More (2018/11)
- [Award] Our research work on hidden electronics recognition receives the Best Paper Award Runner-up (5 out of 147) from 2018 ACM SenSys Conference. Congratulations to Zhengxiong, Zhuolin, Chen and our TTU collaborators. Our team also provide a video demo to illustrate this innovation. [link] (2018/11)
- [Award] Our team shines in the 2018 WNY Aging Conference. mRehab receives the first place award and Smart Insole receives the second place award. Congratulations to Chen and Jerry. (2018/11)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as an Associate Editor of 2018 IEEE Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI). (2018/11)
- [Media] Our research work on "Fingerprinting 3D Printers" (ACM CCS'18) receives tremendous attentions from over 50 high-impact public media outlets, including VICE, CNET, ZDNet and New Atlas. [link] (2018/10)
- [Award] Zhengxiong receives the travel awards from ACM SIGSAC (CCS) and ACM SIGMobile (UbiComp). (2018/10)
- [Award] Aosen receives the UB CSE Best Thesis Award Runner-up. (2018/10)
- [Event] Wenyao attends the 2018 Microsoft Faculty Summit. (2018/8)
- [Media] Our research work on a cancelable brain-based biometrics is featured in many public media outlets. [link] (2018/6)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as a faculty mentor for the University at Buffalo Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program, a SUNY-wide initiative to diversify the future workforce in STEM disciplines. (2018/5)
- [Award] Kun Woo receives the UB SEAS Dean's Undergraduate Achievement Award. Congratulations to Kun Woo. (2018/5)
- [Award] Chen receives the UB SEAS Dean's Graduate Achievement Award. Congratulations to Chen. (2018/5)
- [Award] Aosen receives the UB CSE GSA Award of Faculty Choice. Congratulations to Aosen. (2018/5)
- [Award] Zhuolin and Kun Woo receive the 2018 UB CSE Departmental Award of Research (only two awardees in the CSE Class of 2018); Matthew receives the 2018 UB CSE Departmental Award of Entrepreneurship (only one awardee in the CSE Class of 2018). Congratulations to Zhuolin, Kun Woo and Matthew. You make our team different! (2018/5)
- [Event] Wenyao gives a talk about Innovation in Smart Health in Clinical & Translational Science Institute at the University of Rochester. (2018/4)
- [Media] Our research product, EarlySee, co-developed with our medical and industry partners was released on the World Autism Awareness Day, April 2nd 2018. EarlySee is a high-accessible technology to estimate the risk of autism towards infants and toddlers. The product is reported by many national and international TV media, including Fox8, Fox6 and CNN. You can download EarlySee from Google Play Store now. Read More (2018/4)
- [Award] Wenyao is recognized as the Distinguished Alumni of UCLA Computer Science. [link] (2018/4)
- [Service] Wenyao serves on the TPC member of 2019 IEEE Conference on Computer Communication (INFOCOM). (2018/3)
- [Media] ePave, a self-powered sensor to detect potholes, is featured in the media, including Channel 2, Channel 7 and ACM News. This project is collaborated with Chang'an University in China. Read More (2018/3)
- [Award] The mRehab student team wins the 2nd place award in UB Aging Innovation Challenge. Congratulations to Matthew, Zhuolin, Chen and the whole team. (2018/3)
- [Award] Our research work on deep learning for parkinsonian gait detection wins the Best Poster Award (3 out of 164) in 2018 IEEE BHI (3 out of 164 poster presentations). Congratulations to Jerry and everyone involved. (2018/3)
- [Award] Our research work on energy-efficient smartphone VR wins the Best Demo Award in 2018 ACM HotMobile. Congratulations to Chen and our collaborators. (2018/2)
- [Award]
Tri and Jerry receive the student travel grants from
IEEE BHI-BSN Conference. (2018/1)
- [Award] Chen receives the 2017 CSE Best Graduate Research Award. (2017/12)
- [Award] Wenyao
receives the 2017 CSE Early Career Faculty Research Award. (2017/12)
- [Media] Cardiac Scan is featured in the 2017 year-end press "Fifteen ways UB researchers changed the world". Read More (2017/12)
- [Award] Matthew
wins the Best Poster award in the Undergraduate
Research Competition of the UB CSE 50th Anniversary Celebration. (2017/9)
- [Media] Our research work on "heart scan: a non-contact heart based biometric system", is reported by more than 100 international public media outlets, including the Hacker News, National Science Foundation's news and Communication of the ACM. Here is a 1-minute video introduction [MobiCom Video]. Tech fans also create video clips [Video1] [Video2] [Video3] to introduce Cardiac Scan from different angles. Read More (2017/9)
- [Event]
Wenyao gives a talk about pervasive computing in
healthcare at the
University of Rochester. (2017/9)
- [Media] Our project on pet health tracking is reported. Read More (2017/8)
- [Event]
Lin joins the Computer Science and Engineering department in
University of Colorado Denver as a tenure-track Assistant Professor.
Congratulations! (2017/8)
- [Event]
Aosen attends the ACM/IEEE ISCA in
Toronto, Canada and presents the work on cross-end
wearable architectures for stream data analytics. (2017/6)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the TPC co-chair of the 15th IEEE Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN) 2018, co-located with the IEEE Biomedical and Health Informatics conference and the HIMSS Conference and Exhibition in Las Vegas. [link] (2017/6)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the TPC member of the 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) 2018. (2017/6)
- [Award]
UB team, led by Jerry and Aosen, wins the second
place award in ACM SIGDA International Hardware Design
Contest in the ACM/IEEE/EDAC DAC Conference.
Congratulations to the team! [link]
Read More (2017/6)
- [Award]
Wenyao receives the UB
Distinguished Postdoc Mentor Award. (2017/6)
- [Award]
Zhuolin and Tri receive
the student travel grants from 2017 ACM/IEEE CHASE
conference. They will present posters and demos
in the conference. (2017/5)
- [Media] Jerry is featured in UB CSE news. [link] (2017/4)
- [Media] Aosen is featured in UB CSE news. [link] (2017/4)
- [Award]
Jerry receives the ACM SIGPLAN student
travel grant and presents the work on
energy-efficient 3D printing in ACM ASPLOS in
Xi'an, China. (2017/4)
- [Award]
Kun Woo and Zhuolin receive
the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in
Computing 2017 student scholarship. (2017/4)
- [Award]
Kun Woo receives
the Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Award
of Distinction (the highest honor) in the UB Celebration of Student Academic Excellence. (2017/4)
- [Award]
The EarlySee project is selected as one of the
finalists (8 out of 130+) in Global Vodafone
Wireless Innovation Competition. [link] (2017/4)
- [Event]
Wenyao gives a talk on wireless health at Erie County Medical Center,
Buffalo NY. (2017/4)
- [Service] Wenyao serves on the TPC member of 2018 IEEE Conference on Computer Communication (INFOCOM). (2017/3)
- [Award]
Christopher receives the Association of Old Crows Scholarship. (2017/3)
- [Award]
Our research work on "compressed
sensing for organs on a chip"
receives the first place Best Paper Award
(1 out of 322) from 2017 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics'17. Congratulations to
Chen, Aosen and all
authors. (2017/2)
- [Award]
Our research work on "continuous 3D printing acceleration"
receives the Best Paper Nomination from 2017 ACM/IEEE Asia and
South Pacific Design Automation Conference
(11 out of 358 submissions). Congratulations to Aosen and all
authors. (2017/1)
- [Award]
Aditya receives the SEAS
Senior Scholars Research Scholarship. (2017/1)
- [Event]
Wenyao attends the NSF SaTC PI Meeting at DC. (2017/1)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the TPC member of 2017 ACM SIGBED International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT). (2016/12)
- [Award] Aosen receives the 2016 CSE Best Graduate Research Award. (2016/12)
- [Award] Tri receives the George Norton SEAS Scholarship from University at Buffalo. (2016/12)
- [Award] Wenyao receives the 2016 SEAS Early Career Award from University at Buffalo. (2016/11)
- [Award] Matthew wins the Best Poster Award on the UB CSE Industry Day and Anniversary Kick-off. (2016/11)
- [Media] Our clinical study on "Smartphone Apps for Early Autism Detection" is reported by more than 50 public media outlets, including New York Daily News, Medical Health News, Autism Gazette and Breakingnewsmag. Read More. (2016/11)
- [Event] Wenyao attends the NSF CPS PI meeting at Arlington, Virginia. (2016/10)
- [Media] Our research work on "Smartphone hacks 3D Printers" is reported by more than 80 public media outlets, including National Science Foundation's News, Communications of the ACM news, Science Daily, Digital Trend, Fedscoop, and 3DPrint. Interestingly, NSF Science 360 releases a video about this work. Read More. (2016/9)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the TPC member and the travel award chair of 2017 ACM/IEEE Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE). (2016/8)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the TPC member of 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN). (2016/8)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the TPC member of 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communication (INFOCOM). (2016/6)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the TPC member of 2016 IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). (2016/6)
- [Event] Wenyao attends the NIH/NSF-sponsored Innovation Lab on Interdisciplinary Approach to Biomedical Data Science Challenge of Wearable and/or Ambient Sensors at UCLA Lake Arrowhead Conference Center. (2016/6)
- [Award] Our team wins the Best Design Award in the 2016 International 3D Printing Competition. Read More (2016/5)
- [Award] Kun Woo receives the UB CURCA Undergraduate Research Award. (2016/5)
- [Service] Wenyao serves on the TPC member of 2016 IEEE Annual Wireless Health Conference (WH). (2016/4)
- [Media] Our research work on "Smart Necklace for Food-intake Monitoring" is reported by more than 50 public media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, National Public Radio's News, Sky News London, Science Daily, Sohu.com and IEEE Spectrum. Read More (2016/3)
- [Event]
Wenyao attends the AFOSR PI meeting at DC. (2016/1)
- [Event] Wenyao visits the Beijing Microelectric Research Institute and gives a talk on wearable computing. (2015/12)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the TPC member of 2016 ACM SIGBED International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT). (2015/11)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the TPC member and travel grant chair of 2016 IEEE Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE). (2015/11)
- [Event] Wenyao gives a talk about 3D Printing Acceleration during the NSF CPS PI at Arlington, Virginia. (2015/10)
- [Award] Wenyao receives the Civic Engagement Research Fellowship from UB. (2015/7)
- [Award] Kun Woo and Alexander receive the SUNY STEM Research Passport Award. (2015/6)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the TPC member of 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Communication (INFOCOM). (2015/6)
- [Service] Wenyao serves as the Publicity Co-chair of 2015 ACM International Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Healthcare (Mobile Health). (2015/6)
- [Event]
Wenyao attends the NSF SaTC PI at
DC. (2015/1)
- [Event] Wenyao gives a talk in the NSF-NIH National Workshop on Computing Challenges in the Future Mobile Health (mHealth) Systems and Applications at Bethesda, MD. (2014/10)
- [Event] Wenyao visits mHealth Research Lab in Peking University and gives a talk on smart health. (2014/8)
- [Service]
Wenyao serves as the TPC member of 2016 IEEE Annual Wireless Health
Conference (WH). (2014/4)
- [Event]
Wenyao joins the CSE department at UB. (2013/8)