CSE 462/562: Database Systems (Fall 2024)

Project 1: POSIX I/O interface

Released: Monday, 9/3/2024
Project due: Monday, 9/9/2024, 23:59:59 EDT
Last updated: 8/29/2024

1. lab 1 - File Interface

This is supposed to be a easy lab that walks you through of the process of importing new files into the repository, building, testing, debugging, and submitting the labs. We will also provide a bit more detailed instructions than later labs.

Creating a new branch: we recommend creating a new branch for every project. For instance, you may create a new branch named lab1 using the following command: git checkout -b lab1.

Importing supplemental files into your repository: Extract /ro-data/labs/lab1.tar.xz in your local repository root on the student server and import the code:

    cd <dir-to-local-repository>
    tar xf /ro-data/labs/lab1.tar.xz

If it is successful, you will see an output similar to below:
importing supplemental files in lab 1

The code should successfully build at the moment but none of the new tests should pass. We recommend making a tag after successfully importing the files for each project so that you will be able to compare your changes against the starting point. For instance, you may create a tag named lab1_initial using the following command: git tag lab1_initial and push it to remote using git push --tags.

Task: Use the Linux I/O syscalls (e.g., open(2), close(2), pread(2), pwrite(2), etc.) to implement the FSFile class in src/storage/FSFile.cpp and include/storage/FSFile.h. See the header and source file for requirements and hints.
Note: you may ignore all thread-safety related requirements, since we will be building a single-threaded database.

Testing and debugging: For lab 1, there are 14 basic tests BasicTestFSFile.XXX defined in tests/storage/BasicTestFSFile.cpp and another 14 basic tests BasicTestFSFile.XXXNoFallocate with an additional --test_never_call_fallocate argument. The NoFallocate variants test the fallback implementation of FSFile::Allocate() when fallocate(2) is not supported by your OS or file system. Your implementation should pass each of these 28 tests within tens of milliseconds. There are also 2 hidden system tests SystemTestFSFile.TestAllocateLarge and SystemTestFSFile.TestAllocateLargeNoFallocate, which are not visible to you. You will see the result of these system tests when you submit the code to Autolab. In later labs, the hidden tests are those that are more complex, run on a larger data and/or have a longer running time that are likely to fail on Autolab -- we will test all the test cases offline after the deadline and take the higher score in the Autolab test and the offline test for each of the test cases. Nevertheless, they should not fail as long as your code is implemented per specification.

You may use ctest -V to run all the tests as in the previous lab. Alternatively, you may test and/or debug an individual test by invoking its binary directly. For instance, the following shows how to test BasicTestFSFile.TestCreateFile:

    cd build.Debug
    # to test BasicTestFSFile.TestCreateFile
    ./tests/storage/BasicTestFSFile --gtest_filter=BasicTestFSFile.TestCreateFile
    # to list more options
    ./tests/storage/BasicTestFSFile --help

You may debug your code using GDB or log messages. We provide a LOG() macro which you can use to print any messages in your code (see include/base/logging.h for details). As a concrete example, you may use the following code to print the value of a variable x:

    int x = 0;
    // do something with x
    LOG(kInfo, "the value of x is %d", x);

The LOG() macro also throws an exception to indicate errors if you pass kError or kFatal as the first argument. You will find examples in this project.

Note that the log messages are not printed in the tests by default, because we do not want to print excessive log messages when we are expecting errors in the function calls during tests. To enable log message printing, run the test with an additional --disable_logs=false argument.

    # assuming current working directory is build.Debug or build.Release
    # run BasicTestFSFile.TestCreateFile with log enabled
    ./tests/storage/BasicTestFSFile --disable_logs=false --gtest_filter=BasicTestFSFile.TestCreateFile

Submitting your code: Starting from lab 1, you only need to provide a tag name that references the git commit you want to test. Suppose you have tested your implementation locally, and want to test the latest commit, you may do the following to create a tag:

    git commit -a
    git push
    git tag <some-tag-name>
    git push --tags

Then you may make a submission with the tag name using the submit script :
submit test 1 <git-commit-id-or-tag-name>

As in project 0, you may use submit list-subs 1 to list your submissions, and submit list-sub-details 1 <seqno> to obtain details of the submission and testing results.