Released: Monday, 11/14/2024
Project due: Monday, 12/2/2024, 23:59:59 am EST
Bonus project due: Sunday, 12/22/2024, 23:59:59 am EST (no grace day allowed)
Last updated: 12/4/2024
Update (12/4/2024): The leaderboard for the bonus project (project 6) is now online at this link. It is refreshed every 10 minutes.
Note: the reference implementation for the queries in the bonus project is, by no means, the best possible physical plan. You might want to be creative for finding a better plan than the reference implementation for them.
Note 2: we pass --buffer_pool_size=65536
to the bonus tests. You should
pass those arguments to the test binaries when running them
locally in order to evaluate your plan with the same
configuration as the offline tests.
Note 3: make sure to create a release build (optimized build) before testing the bonus project solution.
This project will be built upon your code for previous
projects. If you need the solution code for them, plesae
extract /ro-data/labs/lab<i>_sol.tar.xz
(where <i>
is the project number) into your
repository root and run
. If you are
importing more than the solution code for an earlier project,
you may want to import them in the project number order as the
latter one may be overwritting some files. If run into any
errors, plesae read the paragraph above "a few hints" in bold
To get started with project 5, extract
when your current
working directory is your local repository root, and import the
supplemental files as your did in previous projects. Similarly,
to get started with project 6, extract
and import the
supplemental files.
The code should build without compilation errors once the
supplemental files are imported, but most of the additional tests are
likely to fail. You may list all the tests in your build directory using
the ctest -N
A few useful hints:
In this project, you will work on three additional QP operators in TacoDB: cartesian product (which can be used in conjuction with selection to perform block nested loop join), (sort) merge join and index nested-loop join. They are structured in the same way as the basic QP operators in project 4. Besides, we will provide you a large database generated with the TPC-H benchmark as well as a few complex SQL queries. Your task is to manually plan, optimize, and execute them in TacoDB, using any composition of the available QP operators you have implemented so far.
After successfully completing this project, you will be able to run equi-join and band-join much more efficiently in Taco-DB. The basic tests will test whether your implementation of the two join operators work on some small data. We will stress test your implementation using the larger-scale database, if you'd like to complete the bonus project.
About grading: the total grade for project 5 basic tests is 12.7 points. There are the additional 12 points in the bonus projects, which will be added directly to your total score.
The cartesian production operator concatenates all possible pairs of tuples from two input operators, which is the simplest binary relational operator and one of the basic relational algebra operators. In this task, you should implement the text-book version of the cartesian product under the standard SQL semantics (bag semantics). With this operator, you should be able to form inner join query plans by placing a selection operator on top of a cartesian production operator.
Task 1: Implement CartesianProduct
for Cartesian products.
Your code is likely to pass the tests
, and
Sort merge join is an efficient algorithm for equi-joins or band-joins as we
discussed in the class. In TacoDB, we would like to implement an equi-join verison of
it, and you may assume its input execution states produce records in your
desired order (i.e., the child plan produces the results in the sorted order in terms
of the join column(s)). This design allows us to decouple the sort operator and
the merge join operator, such that the sort operator is only added to the plan
when needed. Other than implementing the plan and execution state for merge
join, you also have to implement the rewind(saved_position)
all other operators in project 4 and 5 (including merge join itself) to ensure everything works.
Task 2: Implementing save_position()
and rewind(saved_position)
functions for all previous
physical query plan states. Only actions like TableInsert
and TableDelete
do not need to support it.
Generally, you can save essential information in a Datum
. You can
create new Datum
through different Datum::From()
(which can encapsulate all basic types with a size less than 8 bytes).
If you need to store more information than a single Datum
can hold, you can
use DataArray
utilities. You might get some hint on
how to use it by looking at the example in
. The crux of this
problem is to extract all essential information of iterator position so
that later on it can be reconstructed when
is called.
Task 3: Implement merge join plans and execution logic.
Similar to what you have done with project 5, you need to implement
everything in
physical plan and
execution state. The physical plan part is
pretty much the same as CartesianProduct
with a few more
states to remember. In particular, other than its children, you have to
provide the expressions on which both sides will be joined upon and the
comparison functions for these join expressions (hint: you can use lambda
expressions in C++ to create a closure, i.e., an anonymous function that
captures the variables in scope). The execution state should assume
both sides of the join are sorted based on their join expressions before
this operator is applied, meaning no additional sorting should be done
within MergeJoin
. To reiterate over a group of items with
the same key in the inner relation, you will need to use
and rewind(saved_position)
on the
inner plan.
Since the result of a merge join can serve as an input of
another one, you have to make sure to implement save_position
for MergeJoinState
Indexes, specifically B+-Trees in TacoDB, can be leveraged to perform certain types of joins. We will implement the index nested loop join for equi-joins in this project. As in the System-R style query plan, the inner relation of an index nested loop is always a table with an index built on top of a list of fields (provided as an index descriptor).
Task 4: Implement index nested loop join plans and execution logic.
The general idea of the index nested loop join is to use each output record of the outer plan to probe the provided index for the matching records from the inner table.
Note: You may find the index nested loop interface is for band join. However, we only test equi-joins in basic tests. If you would like to attempt the bonus project, you may need to implement regular band join as well.
The current interface works as the following: the first
inner fields are compared to the corresponding outer expressions
for equality, while the final (k
-th) field is checked
against a range defined by two outer expressions. Thus, to form an
equi-join through this interface, you need to set equal k
outer (lower) expression and upper expression, with
and upper_isstrict
both set to
. Please refer to hints provided in
for rationale.
Another tricky thing to keep in mind is related to
and rewind(saved_position)
functions for IndexNestedLoopState
. You still need to
implement them since the index nested loop operator may serve as an input of
a merge join. Note that we do not have an interface for the index to
start a scan at a given (key, recid)
for now. So you have to
specially handle the rewinding to a specific data entry in the index nested
loop operator. You can start the scan with a saved search key and do a short linear
to find the data entry with the heap record id that it is supposed to be
rewinded to.
At this point, you should also be able to pass one additional
system test over the TPC-H data: SystemTestTPCHQX
Finally, to provide a hands-on experience on how the entire query processing pipeline
(planning, optimization, and execution) works in DBMS, we will manually plan
and optimize three queries for TPC-H, which is a common
benchmark used to measure DBMS query performance. You can
find the table schemas and built indexes in the database by inspecting
defined in
You can find how to construct expressions and physical query plan by
reading unit tests in tests/execution/*.cpp
. You can also
find baseline plans in the handout in
, where ?
is one of
, 5
, S
. Note that these are not the
standard benchmark queries as we do not support the full SQL syntax in Taco-DB.
Task 5 (Bonus): Replace the baseline plan with your own optmized query plan so that it can run faster.
Here are the three queries in the bonus project (also available in the plan files):
-- TPC-H Q3 (based on benchmark Q3)
SELECT o_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_totalprice, o_shippriority
FROM customer, orders
WHERE c_mktsegment = '[SEGMENT]'
AND c_custkey = o_custkey
AND o_orderdate < date '[DATE]'
AND o_orderstatus <> 'F'
ORDER BY o_shippriority DESC, o_totalprice DESC, o_orderdate ASC
LIMIT 100;
-- [DATE] is some date between '1992-01-01' and '1998-12-01'
-- (Note this range is larger than what's allowed in the original TPC-H Q3.)
-- TPC-H Q5 (based on benchmark Q5)
SELECT SUM(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)), COUNT(*)
FROM customer, orders, lineitem, supplier, nation, region
WHERE c_custkey = o_custkey AND l_orderkey = o_orderkey
AND l_suppkey = s_suppkey AND c_nationkey = s_nationkey
AND s_nationkey = n_nationkey AND n_regionkey = r_regionkey
AND r_name = '[REGION]'
and o_orderdate >= date '[DATE]'
AND o_orderdate < date '[DATE]' + interval '365' day;
-- [DATE] is some date between '1992-01-01' and '1998-12-01'
-- (Note this range is larger than what's allowed in the original TPC-H Q5.)
-- TPC-H QS (a non-benchmark query)
SELECT SUM(l1.l_extendedprice * (1 - l1.l_discount) -
* (1 - l2.l_discount)), COUNT(*)
l2.l_extendedprice FROM lineitem l1, orders o1, lineitem l2, orders o2
WHERE l1.l_orderkey = o1.o_orderkey
AND l2_l_orderkey = o2.o_orderkey
AND l1.l_receiptdate > l2.l_shipdate
AND l1.l_receiptdate < l2.l_shipdate + interval [INTERVAL] day
AND o1.o_custkey = o2.o_custkey
and l1.l_returnflag = 'R'
and l2.l_returnflag <> 'R'
-- [INTERVAL] is some integer in [1, 90].
Note that the baseline plan, depsite being correct semantically, will not
finish on TPC-H scale factor 1 in a reasonable amount of time. So you have to
at least apply some query optimization we have discussed in the lectures to get
bonus points. There is a smaller subset of the TPC-H data,
named as tpch_s01
. They are configured as the default test
database for these bonus tests on your local machine. You can use them for
debugging and test runs. Once you finish testing, you may run a query on TPC-H
over the larger data of scale factor 1 with the following instruction:
not, add them to .gitignore
so that you will not accidentally
push these large files to your repository.cmake -Bbuild.Release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
cd build.Release && make
./tests/execution/BonusTestTPCHQ3 --buffer_pool_size=65536 --sort_nways=4096
directory for TPC-H database, and
for the reference query result. The default
timeout is 1000 seconds, and the default memory limit (for data segment
only) is 64 MB.TIMEOUT
(env) variables. The
following is an example where we set the timeout to be 5 seconds and the
memory limit to 500000KB:TIMEOUT=5 MEMLIMIT=500000
./tests/ ./tests/execution/BonusTestTPCHQ3 --buffer_pool_size=65536 --sort_nways=4096
(scale factor 1) with its reference
query result in data/tpch_s1_ans
, use the
and --test_ans_path
arguments:TIMEOUT=5 MEMLIMIT=30000 ./tests/
./tests/execution/BonusTestTPCHQ3 --buffer_pool_size=65536 --sort_nways=4096 --test_db_path=../data/tpch_s1
parameter to provide a prefix to the result path. Note the prefix is prepended to the file
name and it may contain an existing directory in the path. For instance, to
dump the query result in qres
directory in
, enter the following (make sure to enter
the slash after qres
!):mkdir -p qres
&& TIMEOUT=5 MEMLIMIT=30000 ./tests/
./tests/execution/BonusTestTPCHQ3 --buffer_pool_size=65536 --sort_nways=4096 --test_db_path=../data/tpch_s1
--test_ans_path=../data/tpch_s1_ans --test_res_prefix=qres/
parameter to the test binary, e.g.,./tests/execution/BonusTestTPCHQ3 --gtest_list_tests
./tests/execution/BonusTestTPCHQ5 --gtest_list_tests
./tests/execution/BonusTestTPCHQS --gtest_list_tests