Our work on DeepFake detection received continuous attention from media: 12/18/23 Logically Facts
01/08 The Register,
01/09 New York Times,
01/10 Reuters,
1/12 Techstory,
1/16 Futurum magazine,
1/18 Boomlive,
1/23 Nature (Chinese translation: Weixin),
1/23 National Desk,
1/25 VerifyThis,
1/26 Newsweek,
1/29 become AIIA Fellow,
2/1 Washington Post,
2/15 Communications of ACM,
2/20 New Scientist,
2/21 CBC Kids,
3/4 Worldtimetodays,
3/4 SciAM,
3/14 PolitiFact,
4/19 NHK.