siwei lyu image

Siwei Lyu, Ph.D. [CV] [Google Scholar] [DBLP]

Fellow of IEEE and IAPR
SUNY Empire Innovation Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Director, UB Media Forensic Lab (UB MDFL)
Co-Director, Center for Information Integrity (CII)
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Phone: (716) 437-1587
Email: siweilyu AT buffalo DOT edu
Office: 313 Davis Hall, Buffalo, NY14260

Digital Media Forensics
Computer Vision
Machine Learning
In robotics, we developed new dynamic Bayesian inference algorithms for robotic perception.
Publications: [CVPR25], [IROS23], [IROS18], [HUMANOIDS16], [IROS14], [ICRA15], [RSS14], [ICRA13]
Medical Imaging
We have developed several methods for the applications in medical imaging.
Publications: [ISBI24], [ACCESS23], [FRONTIER23], [MIA21], [MICCAI19], [ISBI19], [SPIE12]