Great Ideas in Computer Science
Lecture & Instructors Notes
29. Thinking in the Object Oriented Way (12/1/08)
28. Cryptography and Encryption (11/24/08)
27. The Open Source Movement (11/21/08)
26. What is on your Desktop?(11/19/08)
25. Phishing (11/17/08)
24. What is the Internet? Internet History (11/10, 12/08)
23. Why Program? (11/7/08)
22. Beyond Email - Information Overload (11/5,7/08)
21. Karel the Robot: Nested If statements and While (11/3/08)
20. Karel the Robot: Making Complex Decisions (If/Then/Else) (10/27/08)
19. Intellectual Property and Computer Ethics (10/15, 10/24/08)
18. Karel the Robot: Making Decisions (If Statements)(10/22,24/08)
17. Karel the Robot: Extending Primitive Commands (Definitions and Iterate) (10/20/08)
16. Introducing Karel the Robot (10/15,17/08)
15. Building a Binary Adder from Circuits (10/13/08)
14. What is an Algorithm? (10/8/08)
13. From Logic Gates to Logic Equations (9/29, 10/6/08)
12. Interpreting Logic Gates (9/26, 29/08)
11. Truth Table Examples (9/19, 22/08)
10. Logic Problems & Truth Tables (9/19/08)
9. Great Idea: Boolean Logic & Truth Tables (9/17/08)
8. Binary is not just for Arithmetic: Pictures & Sound (9/15/08)
7. Binary Arithmetic -- Signed Numbers/Two's Complement (9/10,12/08)
6. Binary Arithmetic -- Binary Addition (9/8/08)
Notes for
Binary / Decimal Conversion (9/5/08)
4. Coding Information for the computer (9/3,5/08)
Additional Notes on Coding information
3. What is a computer? Looking under the hood! (8/29/08)
2. What is a Computer? (8/27/08)
1. Introducing CSE 111 (8/25/08)