Last Update: Monday, 14 September 2015
Note: |
(1st Web Edition, ca. 1993 — Now in its 23rd year!)
or directly at:
Click here for full-screen/no-frames version. |
I began it in 1988—long before the Web was a glimmer in
anyone's eye—as a 2-page handout for an international
conference that I hosted at UB.
I am gratified that it has grown to have a loyal following and many
reviewers. But I have retired from UB, moved out of Buffalo, and now
have other obligations to fulfill.
In addition, there are now many other Buffalo restaurant websites and
Facebook pages.
To my readers and reviewers, many thanks! I apologize for a large
backlog of as-yet-unpublished reviews. I will contact those reviewers
privately and urge them to send their reviews elsewhere.
The guide will remain accessible on the Web unless its host, the UB
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, decides otherwise.
Bon appetit!
It is with some sadness, but also some relief, that I announce the
closing of my Buffalo Restaurant Guide.
Some Statistics:
We reached a half-million hits on 5 November 2007 at 10:17 A.M.
(That's about 9 years since the counter began.)
We reached a million hits on 7 March 2012 at 10:38 A.M.
(That's only about 4½ years since we hit a half-million!!)
Thanks a million!