Digital Systems

CSE241 Digital Systems



Date Topic Chapter Classnotes
1/30 Course Goals and Plans Course description C1
2/1 Number System Chapter 1 C2
2/3 Signed Arithmetic Chapter 1 C3
2/6 Boolean Algebra Chapter 2 C4
2/8,2/10 Boolean Algebraic Simplification Chapter 2 C5
2/13 Logic gates and IC chips Chapter 2 C5
2/15 Karnuagh Map Chapter 2 C6
2/17 Lab 1 Complete demo Lab 1 C7
2/20 K-map simplification Chapter 3 C8
2/22 Problem Solving using Logic Gates Chapter 3 C8
2/24 Seven segment LED Display Chapter 3 C9
2/27 Analysis of Combinational Circuits Chapter 4 C10
3/1 MSI: Full Adder Chapter 4 C11
3/3 MSI: Decoder Chapter 4 C12
3/3 MSI: Multiplxer Chapter 4 C13
3/8,10 Midterm Exam Review Chapter 1-4
3/13 Midterm Exam Chapter 1-4
3/17 Floating Point Representation Classnotes C14
3/29 Introduction to Sequential Circuit Chapter 5 C15
3/31 Sequential Circuit Analysis Chapter 5 C16
4/3 Sequential Circuit Synthesis Chapter 5 C17
4/5 Data-intensive Computing Certificate Program Review Analysis of SeqCkt C18
4/10,12 Hardwre Description Language Chapter 3 C17
4/17 Verilog: Sequential Circuit Description Chapter 5 C18
4/19,21 Field programmable Logic Array Chapter 7 C19
4/24 FPGA Programming Lab 4
5/1 Final Exam Review C20
5/3 Floating point C21
5/6 What's my grade standing in class? My Grade so far

Number Systems

Consider playing cards, set of coins: how do understand these systems?
We think in decimal, computers number crunch in binary
How do you define a number system?
Radix of a number system?
Number conversion
Decimal to binary, binary to decimal
Numbers with fractions
ASCII 7-bit code for information representation


Signed Integer Arithmetic

ASCII 7-bit code for representation of characters.. standard code
BCD for binary form of decimal
Representing numbers for efficient computation: 1's complement and 2's complement
In general, lot of research effort on "coding" information for efficient and reliable processing: excess-3 code, Gray code
Binary arithmetic: sign-magnitude vs. 2's complement
Signed Binary Arithmetic Consider numbers A = 53 and B= 76. Assume positive numbers are represented using sign-magnitude and negative numbers as 2's complement. Perform the operations below in binary. Assume 8-bit container. Specify if the result is positive, negative or overflow and explain your answer.
  1. X = A + B
  2. Y = A - B
  3. Z = -A -B
  4. W = -A + B


Boolean Algebra

Boolean algebra is like any other math system: Set of elements, set of operators, and a number of axioms and postulates.

Basic operations {AND, OR, NOT} {.,+,'}

Most common postulates:
1. Closure: w.r.t an operator is closed if for every pair of elements of S, the binary operator results in a unique value in the S.
2. Associative: (x*y)*z = x*(y*z)
3. Commutative: x * y = y *x
4. Identity element: e *x = x*e = x where e is the identity element
5. Inverse element: x *x' = 0
We can repeat all these w.r.t to + operator.

x+x = x x*x =x
(x')' = x involution
x + (y + z) = (x+y)+z associative
x*(y + z) = x*y + x*z distributive

De Morgan's law: (x + y)' = x' * y'
x + xy = x Absorption law x (x+y) = x

Operator precedence: (i) parentheses (ii) NOT (iii) AND (iv) OR

Implementation of Boolean functions:
f1 = x + y'z
F2 = x'y'z + x'yz + xy' ---> F2= xy' + x'z

Algebraic simplification: goal is to minimize the Boolean function to minimum number of literals and minimum number of terms. We will use only sum of products form.

F1 = x + xy
F2 = xy + x'z + yz
Minterm --- product term -? canonical form : sum of minterms
Maxterm --- sum term -? canonical form: product of maxterms
Standard forms of Boolean expressions.


Boolean Algebraic Simplification

Lets review what we did last class.
What is simplification of a Boolean expression? Goal of simplification is to minimize the number of literals and also the number of terms in an expression. We will look at algebraic simplification by applying the laws and theorems.

We will implement the Boolean expressions uisng logic gates. {AND, OR, NOT} combiation and also using only NAND gate. We will also implelemt the circuits using common IC chips.

Logic gates are used to implement Boolean functions. For the gates, study it through the name of the gate, logic operator, graphic symbol, truth table and expression representing the operation of a gate.

Boolean Functions

We will discuss implementation of Boolean functions. Here are the steps in the design and implementation of a Boolean function.

  1. Problem statement
  2. Truth table
  3. Sum of minterms expresions
  4. Simplification or minimization of the expression
  5. Implementation using logic gates
Problem Statement: Design a combinational logic circuit to generate odd parity for the BCD code; a logic circuit that will generate the odd parity bit for any 4-bit combination of the BCD code. Implement it using (i) {AND, OR, NOT} and (iii) using only NAND gates.

What is BCD code? Binary Coded Decimal. It is a 4-bit binaty code representing the decimal digits {0..9}.

Logic Gates and IC Chips

Lets review what we did last class: we worked on solving a simple problem. We are yet to complete an efficient gate design for the problem. We need some more information about logic gates. Lets do that today.
We are in Chapter 2.

Logic Gates

Lets go thru all the logic gates. This is given in figure 2.5: AND, OR, NOT, Buffer, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR.

Problem 1

Lets simplify: F(A,B,C) = m1+m4+m5+m6+m7. Implement it using (i) AND , OR, NOT (ii) only NAND gates.

Digital ICs

Lets implement the simplified function commonly available logic gates chips.

Karnaugh Map

We will explore K-maps for 2-3-4-variable functions.

Lab 1 Demo

We will demo how to work on Lab1.

K-Map Simplification

We will fully explore K-map simplification. We will also revisit out BCD to odd parity generator.

Problem Statement-> Gate Implementation

1. We will revisit: BCD to odd parity generator.
2. We will also solve the Decimal to 7-segment LED Display circuit

Problem Statement-> Gate Implementation

We will also solve the Decimal to 7-segment LED Display circuit.

(From Wikipedia)

Analysis of Combinational Circuit

So far we synthesized or designed and constructed circuits. Today we will learn how deconstruct and analyze a combinational circuit. See figure 4.2, p.128. We also designed a half-adder.

MSI Adder Circuit

We designed a full-adder. Sum(A,B,Cin) and Cout(A,B,Cin). Also on use of DeMorgan's law.

MSI Decoder Circuit

We will study MSI circuits for an nX2^n decoder and 2^nX1 MUX. For each of these circuits we will study:

  1. The block diagram
  2. Size of the MSI chip, inputs, outputs, control lines
  3. Building larger circuits with n smaller decoder(/MUX) chips.
  4. Implementing a combinational circuit using decoder(/MUX) chips.

Introduction to Sequential Circuit

Midterm grade distribution.

We will study sequential circuits using

  1. Basic components: Flip-flops (FF)
  2. Major elements: memory (FFs) and circuits driving the FFs
  3. Analysis of sequential circuit
  4. Synthesis of sequential circuits
  5. From problem statement to sequential circuit design
  6. State diagrams: Finite state machines (FSM) design tool

Verilog Hardware Desription Language: Chapter 3

Boolean algebraic simplification is good for explaining the fundamentals; K-map is good for further formalizing the simplification process. However for function with more than 4 variables, these methods DO NOT scale well. We need better ways of decribing the hardware so that the process of implementing (manufacturing) and testing can be scaled up and automated for LSI, VLSI and onwards. Hardware Description Languages (HDL) such as Verilog are solutions that address the scalability and automation issues. We will look at only Verilog. Here is an introductory Presentation on Verilog

Getting Started with Verilog

This page provides some useful information about gettign started with verilog.
  1. How to access CSE server using Putty
  2. How to compile verilog code?
  3. Notes from a Ex-UTA for this course: JD's notes

4-bit Adder Verilog description with test bench


Verilog Description of Sequential Circuit

Here is a complete example of a simple 2-bit counter shown in the figure on the right. In this diagram, x is the input for counting and y is the output.

The verilog code for the circuit and the test bench is shown below:

// Sequential Circuit Example 5_20 : the instantiation is inside
// the test bench
// item 1
module counter2 (output y, input x, input clock,input reset);
// item 2
   reg[1:0] state;  // 2 bits
// item 3
   parameter S0=2'b00, S1 = 2'b01, S2=2'b10, S3=2'b11;
//item 4 when and how do the state transitions happen?
   always@ (posedge clock, negedge reset)// event driven
     if (reset == 0) state <= S0;
     else case (state)
	    S0 : if(x==1) state <= S1; else state<= S0;
            S1 : if(x==1) state <= S2; else state<= S1;
            S2 : if(x == 1) state <= S3; else state<= S2;
            S3 : if(x == 1) state <= S0; else state<= S3;
	  endcase // case(state)
// item 5 : output
   assign    y = (state==S3);
endmodule // counter2

module counter2_tb;
   // stand alone
 // item 1 definitions
   reg x, clk, rst;
   wire y;

 // item 2 instantiate counter2
   counter2 C1(y, x, clk,rst);
 // item 3
   initial #200 $finish; // duration of your simulation testing
// item 4
   initial begin
      rst = 0;
      clk = 0;
      #5 rst = 1;
      repeat (16)
	#5  clk = ~clk;

// item 5 for x
initial begin
 x = 1'b0;
 #10 x = ~x;
// item 6 for montioring, output text and waveform
initial begin
$monitor("x=   %d  y= %d",x,y);
Actual verilog code can be found at example1.v

Commands for compiling and simulating the Verilog code.
iverilog -o example1.vvp example1.v
vvp example1.vvp
gtkwave example1.vcd

Memeory and Programmable Logic: Chapter 7

How do we scale up and automate the process of synthesis of circuits that we learned so far.
Consider a combinational circits and its block diagram as shown below.

Combinational circuit has n inputs, k outputs. The memory on the right has n bits address and k bits data. Here lies a great idea, a "disruptive" one: Why dont we replace the block of gates with block of memory lcoation and program them with appropriate data. Porgrammable Read Only Memory (PROM) model of programmable logic.

Here is another idea: if we have n variables, the number of minterms is 2^n. These can be formed using 2^n AND gates. If there are k outputs, there are k functions. We can implment the k functions using the minterms we formed earlier and k OR gates. Here is an idea: if we can pre-create the minterms, and allow the OR gates to be programmed,then we have programmable gate array (PGA) and if we can program it "in field" we have field programmable gate array or FPGA

Lets work on a problem to understand the "FPGA" concept.
Example 7.2 from your text book. Implement these function using an FPGA.
F1(A,B,C) = ∑(0,1,2,4)
F2(A,B,C) = ∑(0,5,6,7